Shop By Flowers
Bouquet of 40 Red Roses
This elegant bouquet features 40 red roses, carefully handpicked and expertly arranged by our florists. Wrapped in high-quality black paper and finished with a matching black ribbon for a sophisticated touch. Available for online rose delivery.
Dhs. 400.00
Dhs. 310.00
Exquisite Red Roses Bouquet
This exquisite bouquet features red roses bouquet, arranged in black glass paper and tied with a black ribbon. Handcrafted by our expert florists, carefully wrapped, and hand-delivered to ensure premium quality. A great choice for flower delivery in Dubai.
Dhs. 385.00
Dhs. 280.00
Pink Tulips Bouquet
In dreamy pink tones, the Pink Paradise Tulip Bouquet is every girl's favourite! These delicate hand-tied bunches make for the perfect gift no matter what the occasion. With a gift this delightful you're sure to impress the woman in your...
Dhs. 650.00
from Dhs. 560.00
100 Red Roses Signature Bouquet
This beautiful bouquet features 100 premium red roses bouquet, carefully handpicked and expertly arranged by our florists. Wrapped in high-quality black paper and finished with a matching black ribbon. Available for flower bouquet Dubai to make a bold statement.
Dhs. 745.00
Dhs. 596.00
Box of Red Roses
This exquisite box of red roses, featuring 24 stunning red rose flower bouquet, elegantly presented in a Shakespeare Signature box. Each arrangement comes with an 'I Love You' acrylic tag, making it a perfect choice for dubai bouquet delivery.
Dhs. 315.00
Dhs. 245.00
Box of Yellow Flowers
This luxury flower arrangement features yellow flowers, carefully handpicked and expertly arranged by our florists. Nestled in a stylish Shakespeare black box, available for dubai flower delivery for a truly memorable surprise. Ideal for order flowers online for any occasion.
Dhs. 399.00
Dhs. 285.00
Multi-Color Flower Box
This luxury flower arrangement features multi-color flowers, carefully handpicked and expertly arranged by our florists. Nestled in a stylish Shakespeare black box, available for dubai flower delivery for a truly memorable surprise. Ideal for order flowers online for any occasion.
Dhs. 440.00
Dhs. 325.00
Alhamdulillah Ala Salama Beautiful Flowers and Chocolates
"Indulge in the beauty of gratitude with our Alhamdulillah Ala Salama Beautiful Flowers and Chocolates ensemble. This exquisite collection features 750g of decadent Belgian chocolate presented in a luxurious acrylic box, creating a perfect blend of taste and elegance. Enhancing...
Dhs. 350.00
101 Double Shade Pink Roses Bouquet
Product Details: Product: 101 Double Shade Pink Roses Bouquet Description: Surprise someone with the beauty of our 101 Double Shade Pink Roses Bouquet. This enchanting arrangement features 101 roses in captivating shades of pink. It's perfect for expressing love and...
Dhs. 999.00
Dhs. 596.00
Peach Love Rose Bouquet
Product Details:
Peach Roses - 12 Stem
Dhs. 180.00
Dhs. 145.00
Joy Bouquet
Product Details:
Blue Hydrangea - 2 Stems
Pink Roses - 5 Stems
Dhs. 249.00
Dhs. 199.20
Elegant Centerpiece Flower Arrangement in Fish Bowl
Elegant Centerpiece Flower Arrangement in Fish Bowl Product Description: Elevate your space with our Elegant Centerpiece Flower Arrangement in a Fish Bowl. This exquisite creation harmoniously blends a variety of blooms and colors, meticulously designed to enhance your decor and...
Dhs. 499.99
Dhs. 350.00
35 Red Roses Hand Tied Bouquet
Ignite the flames of passion with Shakespeare Fleur's 35 Red Roses Hand-Tied Bouquet. Each rose, meticulously hand-tied, exudes timeless romance and vibrant allure. Perfect for expressing deep emotions or celebrating special occasions, this bouquet is a symbol of love and...
Dhs. 325.00
Dhs. 280.00
101 Multi-Color Red Roses Bouquet
This beautiful bouquet features 101 multi-color premium red roses bouquet, carefully handpicked and expertly arranged by our florists. Wrapped in high-quality black paper and finished with a matching black ribbon. Available for flower bouquet Dubai to make a bold statement.
Dhs. 250.00
from Dhs. 210.00
30 Pretty Pink Roses Bouquet
Elevate your gifting with Shakespeare Fleur's exquisite 30 Pretty Pink Roses Bouquet. Each rose is a masterpiece, carefully selected for its soft hue and delicate beauty. Ideal for expressing love, admiration, or celebrating special moments, this bouquet radiates charm and...
Dhs. 299.00
from Dhs. 240.00
Joy and Smile Bouquet
Product Details:
Blue Hydrangea - 3 Stems
Peach Roses - 3 Stems
Dhs. 250.00
Dhs. 185.00
30 White Roses Bouquet
"Ethereal Elegance" 30 White Roses Bouquet: Embrace the purity of emotions and celebrate moments of serenity with our "Ethereal Elegance" bouquet. This arrangement features: 30 pristine white rose blooms, representing purity, innocence, and new beginnings. Each white rose is a...
Dhs. 190.00
Alhamdulillah Ala Salama Exotic Flowers and Chocolates
Alhamdulillah Ala Salama Exotic Flowers and Chocolates Acrylic Box 750 Grams of Exquisite Belgium Chocolates 2 Elegant Orchid Blooms 12 Delicate White Roses 4 Spray Roses in Varied Hues 5 Sprigs of Fragrant Eucalyptus 4 African Mix Flowers Presented in...
Dhs. 360.00
Thoughtful Centerpiece Arrangement
Product Details:
Red Roses - 25 Stems
Green Cymbidium Orchid - 3 Stems (Each Stem has 7 to 8 Flowers)
Seasonal Greeneries
Dhs. 599.00
Dhs. 499.00
Basket of Peach and White Flowers
Product Details:
Peach Spray Roses - 10 Stems
White Spray Roses - 10 Stems
White Lisianthus - 5 Stems
Eucalyptus Leaves - 5 Stems
Dhs. 550.00
Dhs. 350.00
Delicate Beauty Centerpiece Arrangement
Product Details:
White Gerbera - 5 Stems
White Roses - 5 Stems
White Tulips - 5 Stems
White Delphinium - 5 Stems
Seasonal Greeneries
Dhs. 300.00
Dhs. 245.00
Smiling Flower Basket
Product Details:
Sunflowers - 10 Stems
Peach Roses - 5 Stems
Yellow Roses - 5 Stems
Red Hypericum
Seasonal Greeneries
Dhs. 389.00
Dhs. 299.00